Some tips on how to deal with divorce in Chicago

While divorce is something most of us would rather not consider, sometimes it is the best solution for a couple’s situation. Nearly half of all marriages end in divorce, in the United States, there are over 1.4 million divorces every year. A divorce is the legal ending of a marriage, and it can be a very confusing and emotional time.

Even if it is a mutually agreed upon action, it is in your best interest to hire a seasoned divorce attorney who is skilled in all aspects of the process, and can handle your case from start to finish. A good attorney will guide you to acceptable resolutions to issues such as child custody, division of property and spousal support. They will help resolve disagreements in the most efficient and cost-effective manner, minimizing the impact of this difficult process, so you can move on to a new life.

It is in the best interests of both parties in a divorce for the process to move along as smoothly and quickly as possible, especially when children are involved. If you are the party initiating the divorce, consider how you are going to tell your spouse. That initial conversation can have far-reaching effects throughout the divorce process and even after it is finalized. To minimize the anger and hurt, think about:

  • When and where – Make sure your spouse is the first to know that you are seeking a divorce. It will intensify the resentment and pain if friends or family knows your intentions first or worse yet, if your spouse learns about your plans from someone besides you.
  • Timing – Pick a quiet time when moods are calm and your spouse is receptive, not in the middle of a heated fight. If you expect a violent or self-destructive reaction, consult a professional, such as a counselor, pastor, or your attorney for advice. If there are children, it is better that they are not present for that initial conversation. Try to avoid holidays and special events that might be an annual reminder of a painful event.
  • Be kind – Be clear about your feelings, but try to refrain from being insulting and hurtful by naming every flaw you feel your spouse has.

If you are the one receiving the request for a divorce, try to manage your feelings of loss, anger, jealousy, betrayal, revenge, or other emotions that rush to the surface. Acting on these feelings can have a long-term detrimental effect on your future.

If you are considering divorce, call (847) 520-8100 for solid advice and a guiding hand to help you through this turbulent time.